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How Bad Is It To Skip Flossing?
I’m sure you’ve heard of all the different reasons not to floss but there is no one single reason that will get rid of bad breath forever. The truth is, the problem will only go away if you learn how to treat it in a proper way. So, let’s look at some of the most […]
A Holistic Approach to Fitness: Pathways to a Healthier You
Fitness is an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle, with far-reaching benefits for physical and mental wellbeing. It’s not merely about achieving a toned body or reaching a specific weight; true fitness embraces healthy eating, regular physical activity, mental resilience, and more. This article presents a holistic approach to fitness and makes some unexpected comparisons […]
The Latest Trends in Dentistry
Dental, or dentistry, refers to the medical discipline that includes aspects of the science of teeth and chewing. The word comes from the Greek word dentos meaning tooth. Dental science includes the study of how the tooth works and what happens when it is not in its normal condition. Oral medicine, on the other hand, […]