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The Impact Of The Different Factors On Public Health
Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition characterized by a capacity to cope with the environmental demands of life and the maintenance of the normal body functions in the face of these environmental stresses. Various definitions have also been applied over the years for various different purposes. In common use, the […]
How Fitness Effects Our Well-Being
Fitness is a term used in many different contexts, but mostly in the context of physical activity. Fitness can be defined as the capacity of the human body to perform various kinds of physical activities without feeling exhausted at the end of the session. General fitness is often measured on the basis of various laboratory […]
Skin Care For Oily Skin
Proper skin care is very important for oily-skinned individuals. You should clean your face twice daily, but not too often, as this can strip your skin’s natural oils and lead to breakouts. To remove excess oil, you should use a gentle cleanser that is water-based and light-textured. Exfoliation is another important part of skin care […]