Beauty Health

The Impact of Stress on Skin Health – A Review of the Latest Research

Stress is an unavoidable reality of modern life; however, prolonged exposure can aggravate certain skin conditions, including neuroinflammatory diseases like psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo. Chronic stress may aggravate existing skin conditions while contributing to new ones by aggravating existing ones. Stress has an adverse effect on skin due to hormone release by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) […]


The Benefits of a Consistent Skincare Routine – How to Make Healthy Habits Succeed

Building and sustaining healthy habits are integral components of leading a fulfilled life and managing long-term health conditions, including skin conditions. Establishing and adhering to a regular skincare routine should be one of your top priorities for a happier lifestyle and greater long-term wellbeing. Cleaning, toning, and moisturizing are essential steps towards creating a healthier […]


Understanding Tan Skin – Its Characteristics and Needs

Tan skin results from cell responses to UV radiation from natural and artificial sources like sunlight or tanning beds, inducing an immune response which produces melanin pigmentation on skin surface cells, darkening its tone. Maintaining a healthy-looking tan involves taking steps to protect yourself from prolonged sun exposure, including taking breaks, seeking shade and applying […]